Mallmore House is located on the shores of Clifden Bay one mile,(1.5 km.) or a 20 minute walk from Clifden Town centre. Follow the sign for Roundstone and after half a mile, take the turn on your right, which is signposted for Mallmore House.
Eircode. H71 PY98
G.P.S. 53.480320, -10.025828
[google-map lat=”53.482737277553284″ lng=”-10.029096007347107″ scrollwheel=”false” title=”TWFsbG1vcmUgQ291bnRyeSBIb3VzZQ==” addr=”Q2xpZmRlbiwgQ28uIEdhbHdheQ==” icon=”hotel.png” clat=”53.482737277553284″ clng=”-10.029096007347107″ zoom=”10″ from=”Galway”]
Directions from Clifden
(Click to enlarge)